Observation/Volunteer Procedure
Parents, patrons and other approved individuals are welcome to visit the schools within the Knob Noster R-VIII School District. In order to maintain a school climate that promotes student success observations are subject to the following conditions:
- Observations will be arranged at least 24 hours in advance with the building administrator. The purpose of the observation shall be discussed prior to the observation.
- The building administrator or other designated employee shall be present throughout any and all observations.
- The location and duration of the observation will be established prior to the observation. Observations shall not exceed thirty minutes unless the observation is a part of a course requirement for post-secondary training in an approved program.
- Audio and video recording of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- The individual observing shall not intervene and/or disrupt the instructional process.
- Knob Noster R-VIII reserves the right to refuse any request for an observation that is deemed inappropriate, excessive or detrimental to the instructional process.
- Individuals observing as a part of a course requirement for post-secondary training must provide a background check.
- All individuals requesting and approved for an observation period must complete and sign the observation agreement each time an observation is conducted to protect the right to privacy of all students.
observation_volunteering procedures agreement.docx